Colorful Artwork on Fences, Buildings, Garages in Bywater and Marigny Neighborhood

The Saint Roch Cemetery, A Historic Visit in Bywater/Marigny
November 8, 2018
PO-BOY Fest on Oak Street in Uptown New Orleans…11-11-18
November 12, 2018

Artwork All Over the Bywater Neighborhood

Between St. Claude Avenue and Miss. River

New Olreans Neighborhood

       The neighborhood next to the French Quarter and the Mississippi River is becoming a great place for residents and second homers thaat like New Orleans. The homes and condos are cheaper in this area than in the French Quarter and Warehouse District. Parking is not an issue and walking the neighborhood is a lot of fun. Lots of places to eat and drink. Like to ride a bike?

       You can see all the artwork that gets out in public. This is becoming more and more popular and more exotic as time moves forward.